Inspirations Magazine Number 120


49.00 NIS 
SKU: INS-119
Availability: 2 in stock

Celebrate the worlds most beautiful needlework in this Issue of Inspirations Magazine.
The exquisite, must read and must stitch embroidery magazine
Issue 120 includes:
Busy Bees - front cover photo project to make,
Echinacea - Surface and Stumpwork,
Nature's Realm - Threadpainting,
Bertie - Beetle Brooch,
Bella Dama - A Cottage Garen, stumpwork and embroidery,
Cinnamon and Sugar - Cushion with needlelace,
Grapevine and Ladybird - Golden Trellis stumpwork vine beaded Fruit and Ladybird
Favourite Things - Counted Thread Sampler featuring stitches, motifs and colours
 All with lots of photographs and instructions and how to's.

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