Joan Elliott Cross Stitch Patterns - Items tagged as "Music"

Joan Elliott Cross Stitch Patterns
The talented Joan Elliott range of Cross Stitch Patterns.
These can also be made up into kits or part kits.
Available to print in black and white or color.
Please inquire by email to for a quote.
View all 1920 194 202 218 advent africa aging air alphabet ameerican american angel animal animals apple ark art assisi astrologer aurora autumn babe babies baby ballerina baseball bauble beads beauty begin believe bella belle bells bird biscornu blackwork blessing blue boots box brave buddha butterfly calendar canada canadian card cat Cat. catcher cats cauldron celestial celt celtic chart cherub child children chinese chocolate chores christmas christmas.xmas christmasxmas chrysanthemum cinderella claus cloud coral cottage cowboy craft critter cross cross stitch cross stitch cushion daffodil dance dancer daughter deco delft delight dmc dragon dragonfly dream dreams drop earth edwardian egypt elegance elegant elliott embroider embroideress enchant enchanted era eve fabric fairy faith family fan fantasy fashion father festive fire flapper flower flowers foot footprints four friend friends frog frost galore garden gardner gargoyles geese geisha gift girandola girl give globe goddess godmother gold grace gracefully green guadalupe hallow halloween happy heaven helper hocus holy hope house hummingbird ice imagine indian iris jewel jingle joan joined jolly joy kit kitten kokeshi kreini kreinik lady ladybird lavender library life lily line list little london love luna madonna magic maiden majestic mama medieval men mermaid mill hill moon mother mouse music musician mystic mystical mythical native nativity needlework new york night noel north nostalgic nursery nutcracker oriental owl paint paris partridge past pattern pea peace peacock pear penguin petite petitie phoenix pin pincushion play plum pocus pole ponies pony poppy prayer princess priness prints proverbs pumpkin puppet puppy rag rain rainbow rapunzel read reader realm red redwork reflection reindeer religion rememberance rhyme rich roma room rose rules sampler santa sea season serenity sew sewing silhouette silver sleep snow snowdrop snowflake snowman soldier spider spirit sport spring stars stich stitch stocking stroll style sugar suite summer sun sunflower sweet teddies teddy thanks theater thread tiger tigeranimal time tiny toy trail traveler treasure treat tree trick tut tutankhamen twilight unicorn victorian warrior water web wed wedding welcome wheel white wild wind winter witch witchy wizard world xmas xnas yuletide

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